Tag Archives: leadership

When ECQs Don’t Make the Cut…

Over the past decade or so, our Senior Executive Service (SES) writing team here at CareerPro Global has helped thousands of people develop ECQs (Executive Core Qualifications) that represent their accomplishments and executive potential in the best possible way.

Most of the time, our clients come to us for help early in the process. But sometimes, we get these calls: “Please help! I wrote my own application materials, and was offered an SES position, but my ECQs were disapproved by OPM!”

In these situations, we look at the problem areas and work with the client to get his or her ECQs up to par. Obviously, each set of ECQs is different, and each person’s career stories are unique. Still, let’s highlight some of the issues and best practices that we used on many of our “ECQ rewrites,” all of which have resulted in resubmission and subsequent OPM (Office of Personnel Management) approval.

Issue: Examples were more than 10 years old.

Best Practice Applied: Challenged client to provide examples from within the past 10 years (5-7 years is the “sweet spot”).

Issue: Examples were vague and did not use the Challenge-Context-Action-Result (CCAR) format.

Best Practice Applied: Partnered with client to restructure examples and to ensure each one began with a clear CHALLENGE/CONTEXT paragraph, which served to “set up” the story by describing the individual’s job title, the timeframe, the scope and complexity of the organization/position, and then the “problem” or challenge that needed to be overcome/changed. Next, restructured each example to include three to five paragraphs of ACTIONS, followed by a robust RESULTS paragraph.

Issue: No evidence of executive leadership. ECQs read like project management descriptions.

Best Practice Applied: Worked with client to present examples that were “executive in scope,” such as influencing senior decision making, coordinating with interagency partners, participating in and leading strategic planning, changing major business processes, and achieving results that impacted the entire organization/enterprise/industry/division.

Issue: No evidence of the competencies in some, or all, of the ECQs.

Best Practice Applied: Educated client on how the competencies in each ECQ are the best guide for selecting which stories to use. If a particular story can’t be told naturally by addressing the competencies in that ECQ, then it may not be the best example.


Barbara Adams is the President and CEO of CareerPro Global, Inc. (CPG). She has been on the leading edge of SES application development for decades. Committed to providing world-class service, she has also built an SES writing team that has assisted more than 2,500 clients develop their application materials. Ms. Adams has been featured on T.V. and radio and as a presenter at numerous career conferences. She is the co-author of the book, Roadmap to the Senior Executive Service: How to Find SES Jobs, Determine Your Qualifications, and Develop Your SES Application.


SES Candidate Development Program: Are you Prepared to Apply?

Many SES CDP Programs are scheduled to open in 2014.

SES Candidate Development Program – Are you Prepared to Apply?

What is the SES CDP? It’s the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program that helps candidates get ready to take on Senior Executive Service positions.

This is a good route to take if you’d like to get promoted to an SES job from within, or even if you’re applying from the outside, the SES Candidate Development Program is a great head start. Many Senior Executive Service professionals get their start by entry into this program and you can too. Allow us to partner with you to develop your very important Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program resume and get your foot in the door for a future SES position.

What Does the SES Candidate Development Program Involve?

This program not only will help you get your application ready to gain employment or on the executive leadership track in the Federal government, it can also help you get additional experience to add to your federal resume and application package so you can jump when an SES job is available. SES jobs typically don’t stay open for very long, so let our SES Resume Writing Team help you be fully prepared for when that opportunity comes.

The SES Candidate Development Program also offers SES training for future positions. How does SES training work? Activities that help candidates learn the Five Executive Core Qualifications will be a boost when it’s time to get ready for your SES Application package. You’ll be groomed for an SES job using your skills as a leader, which will be further honed by SES tutoring.

Essentially, you’ll already be prepared with the skills you need once you get hired for an SES position. This will definitely set you apart from the other applicants and will ensure your success and future hiring prospects.


What Does the SES Candidate Development Program Involve?

This program not only will help you get your application ready to gain employment or on the executive leadership track in the Federal government, it can also help you get additional experience to add to your federal resume and application package so you can jump when an SES job is available. SES jobs typically don’t stay open for very long, so let our SES Resume Writing Team help you be fully prepared for when that opportunity comes.

The SES Candidate Development Program also offers SES training for future positions. How does SES training work? Activities that help candidates learn the Five Executive Core Qualifications will be a boost when it’s time to get ready for your SES Application package. You’ll be groomed for an SES job using your skills as a leader, which will be further honed by SES tutoring.

Essentially, you’ll already be prepared with the skills you need once you get hired for an SES position. This will definitely set you apart from the other applicants and will ensure your success and future hiring prospects.


Check out our SES CDP Services:  http://www.seswriters.com/SES-Candidate-Development-Program.shtml

What You Should Know About the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program

There are many ways to advance one’s executive career and potential in the federal government, and one of those is through the PMF program. If you are close to completing your graduate degree in any discipline, or have finished school within the last two years, then you may want to consider applying for this fantastic program.

Although there are a number of ways you can tailor it to best fit your individual career development goals and position you for the Senior Executive Service (SES), here are five things you should know about this unique program:

  • It’s a full-time, paid federal position (GS-9-12) that lasts two years.
  • Some participating agencies offer student loan repayment options.
  • You will complete at least one 4- to 6-month developmental assignment.
  • You will leave the program with an Executive Resources Board (ERB) or equivalent certification.
  • For the upcoming 2014 PMF program, applicants with degrees in certain specialized disciplines may be eligible for the new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) track pilot.

Finally, follow this link to learn more about the PMF program: http://www.pmf.gov/opportunity/index.aspx


Barbara Adams is the President and CEO of CareerPro Global, Inc. (CPG). She has been on the leading edge of SES application development for decades. Committed to providing world-class service, she has also built an SES writing team that has assisted more than 2,500 clients develop their application materials. Ms. Adams has been featured on T.V. and the radio, and as a presenter at numerous career conferences. CPG recently sent a team to instruct senior officials at Warner Robins Air Force Base, Georgia in best practices for developing their SES application materials. She is the co-author of the new book, Roadmap to the Senior Executive Service: How to Find SES Jobs, Determine Your Qualifications, and Develop Your SES Application.

Top Reasons Why OPM Might Reject Your ECQs

There is not only one right way to develop an Executive Core Qualification (ECQ). Everyone has a different writing and communication style—not to mention unique career experiences and training.

However, over the years, and in working with thousands of applicants, CareerPro Global’s career advisors and writers have identified some of the top reasons that OPM’s Qualification Review Boards tend to reject ECQs.

Here are a few to keep in mind when writing your own ECQs:

  • Examples are more than 10 years old.
  • Examples do not demonstrate sufficient depth and breadth of experience that would indicate executive leadership.
  • Examples read like highly technical descriptions of short-term projects, rather than executive-level essays.
  • Examples lack evidence of the core competencies.
  • Specific examples are not presented in the Challenge-Context-Action-Result format, but instead read like vague or general philosophy and description.
  • Examples do not include significant, specific, or impactful results.


Barbara Adams is the President and CEO of CareerPro Global, Inc. (CPG). She has been on the leading edge of SES application development for decades. Committed to providing world-class service, she has also built an SES writing team that has assisted more than 2,500 clients develop their application materials. Ms. Adams has been featured on T.V. and radio and as a presenter at numerous career conferences. She is the co-author of the book, Roadmap to the Senior Executive Service: How to Find SES Jobs, Determine Your Qualifications, and Develop Your SES Application.